Thursday, May 23, 2013


I LOVE to travel. I am an avid pinner on Pinterest and I am always seeing the quote, "Travel is the only thing that makes you richer"...or something like that.  Nonetheless, I COMPLETELY agree.  With my double major in college I was unable to study abroad, but I fully entail to make up for it in the next coming years.  I also proclaimed 2013 to be MY year and so I have decided to vacay whenever and wherever.  I think I have been pretty successful so far...Chicago in January, Hawaii in February, Las Vegas in March, Los Angeles in April, and now...NEW YORK CITY for my {soon to be} sister {in-law}'s Bachelorette Party!  Flying obviously comes along with all of these trips so I definitely have a few must haves for the plane rides.  Some of my necessities are...

I love listening to music...especially on a plane.  Takes me to a happy place and eases some of the anxiety I have about flying {which I should be over by now, I've flown enough hehe}. Therefore, I need an awesome pair of headphones. These Bose ones are awesome because they are noise canceling which makes the quality of sound much better for me to listen to my tunes...they may not be the most attractive but I swear by them.

Being so used to flying, I have mastered the art of sleeping on a plane.  I can pretty much sleep anywhere if I'm tired enough {I usually book flights so I can catch a couple zzz's to make it go by a little faster ;)}.  I always carry a pillow with me, not the neck pillows {I think they are awfully uncomfortable}, but just a pillow {usually my go to one from my bed}.  I have also discovered that an eye mask can help put me in a more peaceful place, so I make sure never to forget one. This is a super cute/fun one from Flight 001.

Magazines are always a must have to catch up on the latest and greatest, but I love reading so I always bring a book along too {it may be old school but I love an actual book, I have a kindle but it's just not the same}.  I recently started Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn {I know I'm a little late picking up this one} and can't put it down.

A few of my other necessities are nuts and veggies {trying to stick to a Paleo lifestyle while traveling is hard, so I always pack some almonds and carrots for a long flight}, homework {comes along with being a graduate student-sigh}, make-up remover wipes {although I don't really wear make-up while traveling they are nice to freshen up with}, and a comfortable outfit is a MUST.  My go-to traveling style is usually a baggy tee, jeans, and my chucks of course {:)}.

My Meli Melo bag just arrived in the mail and it is even more gorgeous in person.  The most perfect Jetsettin' bag, can't wait to take it up in the air!


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